Saturday, January 21, 2012


This evening I decided to get off my arse and do some baking. So first off, muffins. And I thought this time I'd try using apple sauce instead of oil. Yep, turned out just fine.

Secondly, a double batch of Snikerdoodle cookies! Oh crap. No eggs. So I start calling the neighbors, lol. I was gonna trade an egg for a bottle of wine we've had in our fridge for months. Everyone is out.

My point? While I was downstairs I remembered the various bags of flour I had in my freezer. For 9 years. Yes, 9 years! When DH and I moved to Waywayseecappo we lacked a bakery. While there was a Sobey's in Russell, they didn't always have pumpernickel and all those yummy breads for snacking so we bought a breadmaker and I started making them myself. Crazy that with 3 grocery stores around us and we couldn't get some breads on a regular basis and why I didn't just order it from the bakery, I do not know. Part of it was, I was home and I wanted to start making these things myself.

Then when we moved to Amaranth, LM was born and the breadmaker wasn't a priorty anymore. That and if I called the bakery in the next town they'd make it and send it up on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Works for me.

So the flour got me thinking about old postings and the ways we used to shop and the ways I still shop!

In Amaranth I always had one and then an extra. As soon as we opened something, we replaced it with another. Medicine, certain foods, baby stuff, kid stuff. Its hard for me to get that out of my system.

Living in an LDP is an adjustment and I haven't lived in a bad one. LDP - limited duration posting. They call them that because it doesn't have the regular ammenities of other communities. We were expect to live in Waywayseecappo for 3 years. That didn't work out. So we only have 8 months there. As far as I'm concerned while DH worked there, we never finished our committment there and it doesn't count as a completed LDP. Next stop, Amaranth. 4 year LDP. 4 years completed. And honest to goodness LDP credit. The only real pain there was the doctoring. 1 hour. Not good with a kid with asthma. Not good for a woman who goes into the labor and has her children quickly either. Amaranth had a grocery store - not always great but it did the trick. Bank, post office, dollar store, gas, resturant and insurance agency. 20 mins North was a convenience store for lottery, gas and more groceries. 20 mins South and there was another town with a school, small grocery store, library, bank, insurance agency and a couple other things. DH and I HATED leaving town with a huge to-do list and 10 stops to save a couple bucks. When we headed out of town to shop and doctor we got what we had to, what we couldn't get in our location, ate a decent meal and headed home. I've heard as Amaranth being called a Northern posting. LMAO. 2 hours from Winnipeg with a paved highway is not North. Having your groceries brought in on an ice road or police plane, that's North.

So back to my hoarding problem! Why the hell have I held on to this flour for what would now be 9 years? Its moved to 2 new communities and even outlived one freezer. Is my prepardness something that I will grow out of or will I be stuck with it forever now?

Better question, can I still use it? I wonder what it would taste like? Of all things to cart around with us all over the place, flour? I think I might be a bit of a hoarder or maybe I'm just a cheap skate :0


  1. I vote...throw it out! Or put it on the swap in shop. I might buy it just for fun. ;-)

  2. If you like April, I could make you a loaf of pumpernickel. I was getting pretty good at it, 9 years ago. Maybe I keep it cause it helps me feel like the freezer is fuller, lol.
