Friday, October 14, 2011


When the Little Man was about 2 or so we went to Onanole to pick up our stuffed goose. We stopped to see the Elk and from that time on he's been a little obsessed with the Manitoba Town Statues.

So far he`s had his photo taken with the Elk in Onanole and Happy Rock in Gladstone.

So since we've moved here we've been promising him to stop in La Riverre. He had to have his picture with the turkey.

Then when DH started have his RTW talks we sat Colton down and said, we need to go through those statues to see which ones from this area you want to see because we are running out of time. He`s decided he needed to see the Snow Goose in Dunrae and the Banana in Melita.

I packed them up a couple Saturday`s ago and took them there. Dunrae is also where our house was moved from. Anyways, here they are with the Snow Goose.

I read about another local family who did the tour of most of the statues this Summer. What a cool idea. Hopefully next Summer we`ll get a whole lot more of them crossed of our list. He doesn`t want to see all of them, just certain ones which makes it a little easier. Silly me didn`t take pictures of the ones we were close to when we lived up in Wayway. Oh well, one day we might have to make a trip back there.


  1. You should take him to see the happy rock in Gladstone. It is a cute one!

  2. We've been there. We lived 40 mins from him during our last post.
